BLUF -- Who to vote for in the 2020 Presidential election -
I'm disappointed many Republicans still won't support their party's elected President, who won in 2016 despite Democratic vote fraud and Democratic collusion with foreign entities, including Russia.
So far TRUMP has:
⦁ Lowest unemployment rate in 50 years
⦁ All time low minority unemployment rate
⦁ Economic growth routinely above 3%. (The Obama administration said we'd never see those levels again.)
⦁ American net exports up $51 Billion in the last year.
⦁ Median household income highest level ever recorded.
⦁ Biggest tax cut in history. (I have seen the difference in my pocket.) (If liberals want to pay more they can make the check payable to U.S. Treasury and mail it to:
Gifts to the United States
U.S. Department of the Treasury
Funds Management Branch
P.O. Box 1328
Parkersburg, WV 26106-1328.
(Or you could give it to California or Connecticut or New York all of which are becoming like third world countries with rising endemic diseases, deteriorating infrastructure, uncontrolled spending, and kakistocratic government.)
⦁ And tax receipts are up. You can grow your way out of the hole.
⦁ Used his pen to eliminate over 1,600 regulations
⦁ USA set to pass Saudi Arabia as worlds greatest oil producer.
⦁ Removed the Obamacare individual mandate. (And no senior citizens were pushed off the cliff.)
⦁ Withdrew from the Paris Climate Accords.
(European socialists admit the accord was to grab US dollars and transfer them to European and African kleptocrats.)
⦁ Renegotiated the NAFTA Agreements with Canada and Mexico.
⦁ Withdrew from the Iran deal.
⦁ Added funds to the Defense and Homeland Security budgets.
(Provide for the common defense is a duty of the Federal Government, unlike most Democrat/ Socialist/Communist proposals which grow Federal interference in our daily lives in ways not covered by our Constitution.)
⦁ Slowly restoring the Judicial Branch back to the branch that interprets our Constitution as written, away from a branch that creates new constitutional requirements out of thin air (or vague penumbras).
⦁ To this end nominated 2 Supreme Court justices and over 100 Federal Circuit Court judges.
What's not to love about those accomplishments, If only the media ever mentioned these successes.
What TRUMP has been unable to do, because of the RINO and Country Club Republicans and Democrat/Communist/ Socialist OPPOSITION is secure our borders and reform our immigration rules. Too many Republicans wanted to return to their role as the loyal, but not powerful, opposition when so much more could have been done. It is easier to collect your generous paycheck and whine about the Democrats than to actually improve our government, lower the deficit, and reduce the burden the Federal Government places on all of us.
When "Republicans" found themselves in charge of the Executive and Legislative branches for the first two years of the TRUMP Presidency they were afraid to act decisively to reverse the slide toward Socialism done by Barry Sotero and the Democratic minority in the Legislature.
Now Bobby O'Rourke and Occasional Cortex are leading the way towards more Socialism; the wrong direction for ME personally, and most Americans as well.
BLATE -- TRUMP continues to SAY NO to Socialism, and we need to JUST SAY NO as well. We need to return to a Constitutionally limited Democratic Republic of the several states that protects us from both external and internal enemies of our form of government.
Sorry that was so long, but I couldn't stop writing. Your temperate thoughts on these issues are welcome.
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