Saturday, October 31, 2020

Vote Trump for a Moral, Just Society

By next Saturday, the election will be "over" (for certain values of "over"; I wholly expect insane legal wrangling to continue for weeks/months once the preliminary results are in). Thus, this post is officially my last pitch for President Donald J. Trump, blowhard and Cheeto extraordinaire.

To all America-loving voters: Everyone knows that Trump's personal moral character is questionable at best -- that he's no saint. But if Trump's history (or his Twitter feed) is what's stopping you from voting for the guy, I strongly, strongly urge you to reconsider your priorities. You had an excuse to hesitate in 2016 back when Trump's political commitments were in doubt; you don't have an excuse now.

Our choices here, as I see it, are pretty damned clear:
  1. We can have an awkward, cringey commander-in-chief who obviously adores our country and, regardless of his flaws, will genuinely try to serve our interests and defend our foundational principles.
  2. We can have a weak, ineffectual commander-in-chief who will absolutely be railroaded by elements in his own party who hate America - hate you - and wish to destroy her.
I'm sorry, but Biden does not have the wherewithal to beat back the successor ideology that's now threatening our constitutional order. The Democratic Party as a whole does not have that wherewithal because it's been captured by said ideology's adherents. And we need to beat back these adherents and their poisonous notions if we wish America to remain the imperfect but basically moral and just society we all know it is. This is priority number one. It should overshadow all other considerations.

What radical leftists want for us Americans has nothing to do with justice, either social or otherwise -- and if they take power via Joe Biden (because again, Biden will not be able to stop them), they absolutely will destroy everything that makes America good. This should not be in doubt if you're even remotely conversant with the nightly news. 

I have become increasingly convinced, for example, that social justice warriors will not be satisfied until a black guy can gut a cop in broad daylight in front of cameras and a dozen witnesses and yet still get off scot free. Why? At bottom, these activists see black people as purse puppies who should be permitted to run wild doing whatever they please with zero consequences because the "legacy of slavery" has rendered the poor dears sub-human and they consequently just can't help themselves. How else do you explain their absolute refusal to acknowledge that, oh, running at the cops with a knife will get you justifiably shot? How do you explain their absolute refusal to hold black people responsible for their own choices in general? Remember: according to the SJW left, expecting "people of color" to do something simple like showing up to work on time is in fact a manifestation of "white supremacy" that should be discouraged. Does that make sense to you? If not, you need to vote for Trump. Biden and the Democrats will let this critical race theory crap fester in our bureaucracies and our board rooms because so many of them actually buy what it's selling; Trump, on the other hand, has already acted to oppose it.

I have also become convinced that these same people seek to control everything I think, everything I say, and everything I do -- and that if they can't succeed in rendering me silent and compliant, they will do everything they can to make sure I starve instead. Do you like cancel culture? Are you comfortable with the power SJW's already have to completely destroy people's lives for the crime of - well - not being SJW's? Were you okay, for instance, with what happened to the Covington kids? To Justice Kavanaugh? And does it sit right with you that Silicon Valley execs are unilaterally deciding for all of us what constitutes "truth" when it comes to thorny political matters -- or the COVID-19 pandemic, for that matter? If not, you need to vote for Trump. We can't trust Biden to stop this cultural totalitarianism -- not because he supports it personally necessarily but because its his base that's driving it.

In my view - and I think in your view too if you're an average, decent American - a truly moral, just society fulfills the following two criteria at minimum:
  1. It protects the natural rights (of life, liberty, and property) of each and every human being regardless of class, race, etc.
  2. It ensures that the rules that govern it are predictable and evenly applied to all citizens.
Has America achieved these? Not completely; I think all good faith actors agree that there's definite room for improvement. But I believe - I think with good reason - that we've come closer to the ideal than any other polity. And I think we can make further strides towards greater justice and equality if we continue to abide by the classically liberal values that got us here. Freedom, readers! Freedom is the key. The ability to talk things out in a free marketplace of ideas has given us everything from modern science to the original civil rights movement. And the ability to exchange goods and services in a free economy, meanwhile, has given even poor slobs like me a standard of living that would be the envy of the pharaohs of Ancient Egypt or the kings of early-modern Europe. Freedom's record, in short, is sterling

But the fifth columnists lurking behind Biden don't want freedom. Indeed, they don't even want our society to fulfill the aforementioned nonnegotiables. For sure, they definitely don't want us all to abide by the same comprehensible laws and mores; on the contrary, they simply want to change who gets the "privilege" and who gets shafted. That's why they argue that race should be considered when it comes to, say, admitting students to prestigious schools: they want to ease the standards for their favorites and screw the rest (especially those damned Jews and Asians who have the temerity to succeed despite their difficult histories). So here's the essential question: do you think this path - a path that centers what divides us and uses it to pass out bennies to just a few - will actually result in a society that's more fair? If not, you need to vote for Trump.

Leftists have also openly declared that people don't have a natural right to keep the things they've acquired through their labor, stumping on public radio for the revolutionary virtues of looting. And while Biden himself likely doesn't embrace this fringe view, he and the other members of his party don't seem all that motivated to stamp it out with force. Indeed, they all seemed more offended by Trump's expressed desire to use federal troops to stop the rioting than by the actual rioting. Do you really want people like this in charge of our country? Do you really want to be led by politicians who just can't bring themselves to aggressively punish violent commies trying their best to burn our cities to the ground? If not, you need to vote for Trump.

Of course, some people will read this and tell me that I am scared over nothing. But no: I'd say I have a lot more evidence to point to regarding the left's dangerous intentions for me and mine than any Biden voter has for the supposed threats of a continued Trump presidency. Aside from one creepy rally in Charlottesville a few years ago, I haven't seen much action from this "radical right" that's supposedly riding on Trump's coattails and menacing us all. What I've seen is incident upon incident of leftists outright terrorizing their neighbors -- and a Democratic Party that's not getting in their way. If you've seen this too, you need to vote for Trump -- even if it makes you unpopular at suburban cocktail parties.

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