Sunday, February 21, 2021

Link Dump 2: Electric Boogaloo

I'm traveling this weekend to pick up two cats MamaGeek and I adopted, so behold: more links!

The False and Exaggerated Claims Still Being Spread About the Capitol Riot
by Glenn Greenwald

The January 6 Capitol Riot was bad. But as Greenwald explains, it was not an "armed insurrection," the rioters didn't beat a cop to death with a fire extinguisher, and they didn't plan ahead of time to take lawmakers hostage. The left is spreading lies to justify unconstitutional crack downs on their political opponents. Don't let them get away with their BS.

Orwell’s Cookbook,
by Rod Dreher

Bon Appetit and its related website Epicurious are editing articles and recipes in their archives to suit the tastes of exquisitely sensitive SJW's by editing out suddenly "bigoted" words like "exotic" or "ethnic". Dreher points out correctly that altering records like this makes it difficult for scholars of social history to do their jobs. (I would add that it also conveniently allows media companies to escape accountability for uncomfortable aspects of their pasts.)


I highly recommend Larry's fisks. They're always way funnier than mine. Here, he takes down journalists in the mainstream media for being ridiculously biased -- and, of course, really effing bad at their jobs.

Why Are Conservatives So Naïve That They Refuse to See the Beam in the Eye of Those Who Hate Their Very Existence?

This is an excellent blog post that chides establishment cons like Jonah Goldberg for obsessing over the faults of the Trumpian wing of the GOP in the face of the left's active attempts to destroy our country. As James Lindsay has tried to emphasize over and over again, the current situation is not normal. If we continue to abide by Marquess of Queensberry rules in the vain hope that the folks over at ABC/NBC/CNN/DNC will one day some day actually start to like us, we will be squashed.

How Identity Politics Revives Slaveholders’ Argument For Group Rights,
by Katharine Gorka

This article brings up a fantastic point: southern slave holders adopted the same historicist critique of our classically liberal founding principles that is now being deployed by the totalitarian left. That said leftists aren't disturbed about that connection says quite a bit about their diabolical designs.

COVID Rules Force Us To Trade Substance For Sterility,
And Will Change Our Culture Forever
by Elle Reynolds

"There are things in life worth risking our safety for. Those judgments will and should be different for different people — but valuing security above all else can trick us into forgetting what those things are. And if you have nothing in your life for which you would risk your comfort and safety, for what are you truly living?" Precisely the same point I've been trying to make!

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