Sunday, December 8, 2019

BLUF - Who Will Guard the Guardians?

The Obama administration weaponized the guardians of the American way of life in a perversion of our values. They thought they had a generational lock on leadership of our country - and TRUMP's surprise in November 2016 upset their apple cart. They have been running hard on several fronts ever since to cover their crimes:

FIRST - A continuing effort to remove him from office using a parody of the Constitutional remedies, but without any facts behind the effort (despite the continuous drumbeat of "bombshells" touted by the media.)

SECOND - Continuous collusion between the press and the Liberal Democratic/Socialist/Communist Elite (abbreviated from now on as Liberal DSCE) to discount their crimes as "old news" and "No criminal conduct done".

Victor Davis Hanson had a column on the loss of integrity in the Organizations established to protect us from these abuses. Read the whole column at the link below. 

JUST SAY NO - They sat on the news when they were in charge so it is new to us, the American public; and crimes WERE committed, with the impunity of their false belief that they would/could never lose power and be called to account.
ALSO CALL THE PRESS TO ACCOUNT for their abrogation of their duty to us, the American public, to report the complete and unbiased truth - and limit the biased opinions to the Opinion pages.
Victor Davis Hanson had a column on the loss of integrity in the Organizations established to protect us from these abuses. Read the whole column at the link below.

THIRD - Manipulating the election process by allowing and encouraging illegal votes by the dead, and non-citizens, and multiple votes by one person. Not to mention generating boxes of votes for the Progressive candidates "found" when some more votes are needed to move the result to the left. And "misplacing" boxes of votes from Conservative leaning precincts.

We need to be more afraid of Liberal DSCE tampering than foreign government tampering with our elections.

FOURTH - They have a long-term plan. They have developed a strangle hold on our thought making processes - the news, entertainment media; and most importantly the public education systems from K through 12 and on into most colleges. Parents need to work hard in two ways:
  1)  Be a vocal voice opposing the dumbing down and liberal slant that the "Education Professionals" are trying sell.
  2)  Take the time after school to teach your kids the truth and help counteract the falsehoods they learned in school.

BLATE - Some one needs to clean house - TRUMP may just be the right person to lead that effort. Stop believing the lies espoused by the media; in fact stop watching/reading them at all.

                          JUST SAY NO - often and out loud

Temperate comments are welcome.

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