Tuesday, August 11, 2020

2+2 = 4

For the past month or so, my TL has been consumed with a battle to defend commonsense arithmetic, led by the seemingly indomitable James Lindsay and his allies. On the other side? Educators and supposed mathematicians who insist that 2+2 does not always equal 4 -- who, in fact, insist that first grade math is a tool of hegemonic power and white supremacy.

Yes, you read that correctly.

That this has actually become a genuine front in our culture war - that many supposedly credentialed individuals are so readily confusing the symbols (which are technically arbitrary) for the physical concept (which is not) - is yet one more telling sign of how corrupted academia has become. 

If you are also watching this nonsense unfold on social media, do yourself a favor: read the thread above -- and then read James Lindsay's write-up below. 

As the kids say, we need a complete and total shutdown of higher education until we can figure out what the hell's going on.

1 comment:

  1. Reality (which math is a reflection of) does not care about your feelings. You can say 2+2=5 all you want, but the laws of the universe will not change. If you insist on acting on the idea that 2+2=5, expect the universe to bite you in the butt.
