Tuesday, August 4, 2020

Fisking That Infamous White Culture Infographic, V

Continued from here. (Or you can start at the beginning.)

Future Orientation:
  • Plan for future
Which civilizations survived and advanced without planning for the future? I'm really curious. Because every complex society I know - regardless of ethnicity - has set aside provisions for potential lean times. Hell, even individual households, universally, have preserved foodstuffs gathered in the warmer months to ensure a source of nutrition during the winter.

The Chinese have a saying: "Dig the well before you are thirsty." Please take note: a major non-white tradition emphasizes the importance of planning. Could that be because such forward thinking is adaptive for everyone?
  • Delayed gratification
This is yet another traditional moral value that's shared cross-culturally. I know of no major civilization that hasn't stressed the virtue of working towards - and sacrificing for - greater rewards that aren't immediate. This is, in fact, the very teaching that undergirds family formation, to take one biologically essential example. Our species would've died out a long time ago if the vast majority of the human race weren't convinced to set aside instant carnal satisfaction in exchange for the difficult - but more fulfilling - task of raising children.
  • Progress is always best
See, now I'm just confused. Aren't you peddling all this BS for the sake of progress? Or have you just revealed your ideology as fundamentally regressive in character?

(These people are regressive, folks. They want us all to live from present moment to present moment, satisfying our every base desire as it arises as if we were lesser animals instead of apes who can think.)
  • "Tomorrow will be better"
If believing this is folly, then what's the point of all of this? What's the point of attempting to change the world? What you're saying here, it seems to me, is that our quest for a more just society is fundamentally hopeless. And by God, that's a terrible notion to spread!

  • Follow rigid time schedules
  • Time viewed as a commodity
Humans have been marking time since at least the Neolithic. Globally, agricultural societies needed basic clocks and calendars in order properly plant and harvest their crops. And once societies started to industrialize, further predictability was required. If we don't have a set schedule for our air traffic, for instance, what will result is nothing less than life-threatening chaos

More precise measures of time, in other words, are an inevitable consequence of certain types of economic activity, not some side-effect of so-called "toxic whiteness". If you want to get rid of "rigid time schedules" in order to excuse your rudeness - and yes, it's deeply rude to impose upon others by making them wait - you will have to tear down our entire industrial society.

(And you know, I suspect that's what you really want us to do. You want us to live a basic hunter-gatherer lifestyle in the cold and dark. Yeah. Good luck with that. Speaking for myself, I'm going to continue to raise my middle fingers high as I flip on all my artificial lights, blast my blessed air conditioning, and take my pain-saving medications -- all of which wouldn't have been possible without an economic system that adheres to schedules. 21st century technology for the win!)

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