Wednesday, September 11, 2019

Thoughts on the ISLAMIC Terrorist attack on 9-11-2001 BLUF - Never forget, and NEVER shrink from calling out those who won'i name the perpetrators of the worst surprise attack since Pearl Harbor.

18 years ago the United States was attacked by a group of ISLAMIC terrorists who planned to attack the Pentagon, the White House, and the World Trade Center. (The White House plane went down in Schwenksville PA after the passengers fought back against the ISLAMIC terrorist hijackers.)
I will never forget that morning. I had friends and co-workers from my 3 pentagon tours, and sponsors of my work at CNA who worked in the Pentagon. Thankfully my colleagues and friends all survived, but some received burns while helping evacuate the wounded from the affected part of the building.
Later I left CNA to work as a contractor for a national agency. The Big boss of my group impressed me years later, in 2006, when he described how he goes to work angry every day since 9/11/2001 that our organization couldn't do more to stop ISLAMIC extremists. And OBTW we were doing a very good job disrupting ISLAMIC extremists. But we could only act outside the USA.
Today we have two ISLAMIC extremists sitting as members of congress and actively working to minimize our memory of the despicable acts of ISLAMIC terrorism that killed 2,977 people that morning; and thousands more from illness after rushing towards danger to help.
We need to publicly shame those congress women whenever they violate the oath they took "to support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign AND DOMESTIC"; and to call out the citizens of the states of Minnesota and Michigan who elected terrorist apologists to represent them. I consider them domestic enemies of our Constitutional Republic.
BLATE - JUST SAY NO to any attempts to subvert our Constitutionally governed Republic of the (current) 50 states; created to fulfill the aspirations as stated in our Declaration of Independence; to have a government that protects the rights of all citizens against the government or a vocal minority of people to eliminate those innate rights. (I've tried to avoid saying "god given" rights. but the rights are our individual rights, not given by our government.)
BLATE #2 - The 2 radical ISLAMIC Apologists (minimum description of their offenses) need to be removed from office by the people who elected them for violation their oath of office.
Temperate comments to my blog are welcome.

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