Thursday, October 17, 2019

Who is the "Main Enemy" today?  I say China

The latest column by Victor Davis Hanson.  A while back I read a book "The Main Enemy" about our cold war battles with the Soviet Union at the "end" of the cold war. It was a good read. But today I'm writing about our new main enemy; and how liberal financial leaders are surrendering the country's Democratic Republic roots to become an authoritain, socialist, wan shadow modeled on CHINA.
A few snippets to whet your appetite:
"U.S. foreign policy toward China seemed to be based on the belief that the more China modernized and the more affluent its citizens became, the more inevitable Chinese political freedom would be."
"None of that came close to happening. There was never evidence that China wished to end communism -- other than to allow some market reforms designed to strengthen its dictatorial rule and its influence overseas."
"China does not fool around. Beijing does not just threaten neutrals, rivals and enemies, but uses it economic clout -- and no doubt soon its growing military power -- to force acquiescence. "
Read the whole column and don't weep but fight back to show support for those who want the freedoms we are guaranteed by our Constitution.

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