Sunday, April 21, 2019

And what can we do about it?
This is a pretty long read, but worth it. Below the link I put several teaser snippes to attract you.

Snippet #1:  If American Liberalism . . .
 . . . under pressures both fiscal and philosophical, would either go out of business or be forced to radicalize. If it chose the latter, I predicted, it could radicalize along two lines: towards socialism or towards an increasingly post-modern form of leadership. Today it is doing both.
Snippet # 2: 
I fear America may be leaving the world of normal politics and entering the dangerous world of regime politics—a politics in which our political loyalties diverge more and more, as they did in the 1850s, between two contrary visions of the country.
Snippet #3: 
In terms of government structure, the liberal Constitution is designed to overcome the separation of powers and most other checks and balances. Liberals consistently support the increased ability to coordinate, concentrate, and enhance government power—as opposed to dividing, restricting, or checking it. 
“Congress is a sausage factory that has forgotten how to make sausages.”
Snippet #4: 
So secession would be extremely difficult for many reasons, not the least of which is that it could lead, as we Americans know from experience, to the fifth and worst possibility: hot civil war.

I firmly believe two aphorisms: FIRST - That God looks out for mad dogs and Americans; and SECOND - That Americans can be counted on to do the right thing; after they tried all the wrong ways.
I hope that the current Liberal/Socialist/Communist base will eventually learn that they just get eaten LAST; and that the Liberal elite are using them to preserve their power.
Just look at the way Nancy Pelosi is pandering to a young, naive, impressionable cohort when older and wiser heads know she is blowing smoke.
We need to speak out, in a non-strident but confident voice whenever the Democrats open the door to expose the idiocy of what they are saying. Speak out early and often. Laugh at their silly ideas, and JUST SAY NO.

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