Sunday, April 28, 2019

In the November 2016 election there were only 2 real candidates -- Trump and Clinton. A long time ago Heinlein said "Hold your nose and vote for the least bad candidate."
Clinton was personally and politically corrupt, unlikeable on a personal level as told by subordinates who worked for her, and was running on "4 more years of failed Socialism, but with a woman this time." Few specific new ideas.
Trump ran on the idea of reducing the Federal bureaucracy, both in people and regulations, making our partners in diplomacy pay a share of the costs of promoting Capitalism, staunch support for Democratic allies in the mid-east (now ONLY Israel), economic hard ball with China, military straight shooting with North Korea.
Compare the two. Clinton was thin gruel; Trump was a complete Federal Republic and Capitalist feast. The choice was easy.
After thr first 2 years, despite a continuous quiet coup attempt by the deep state holdovers from the previous administration and the Democratic (Communist) party; and the quiet obstruction FROM "HIS OWN" PARTY, has accomplished much.
Leadership in Capitalist economic policy - removing some of the burdens of the administrative state, reducing taxes to RAISE TAX RECEIPTS to the government (a growing economy will do that) (and more $$$$ in my pocket); a firm line with China that has modified their behavior toward us; a strong hand towards North Korea that has caused the first signs of movement in 60 years; and many in the EEC recognizing change was coming and starting to move their ponderous state in the right direction.
If Trump wasn't reflexively opposed by the Democratic Communist party (still smarting over their humiliating loss from running an unlikeable harridan against an unapologetic Capitalist); a substantial minority of the Republican Stupid party (still smarting over their primary losses to a complete, non-political newcomer - who was a Capitalist Businessman); and the hold-over deep state actively working against him he could have accomplished much more. I don't care that he is rude, vulgar, cis-normal male and rich enough to buy lots of stuff - including cheap women willing to sell sexual favors for cash.
I voted for him to return my country back to a Limited Government, Federal Republic based on the ideals expressed in our Declaration of Independence, and organized to limit the power of the Federal Government by our Constitution. He should be, and is, providing leadership in the areas of Economic Policy, Foreign Relations with our allies AND enemies, and "Supporting and Defending the Constitution of the United States, and the Country Whose Course It Directs.*"
Trump is doing a good job were it counts.
*From my Naval Officer's Oath on promotion

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